
Adaptability is critical in leadership, and its importance grows as industries and markets become more volatile and ambiguous. The business environment is rapidly changing and if we don’t change with it, or even before it, we are not going to be able to effectively lead our organizations into the future. Jack Welch famously said, “Change before you have to” indicating how leaders need to lead from the front in every situation – especially adaptability and change.

Adaptability is the ability to adjust your approach, behavior, and strategies in response to changing circumstances, challenges, or opportunities. It involves flexibility, openness to change, and resilience. It’s about being able to pivot when needed and stay effective in uncertain or evolving situations. Adaptable leaders are better equipped to handle crises, foster innovation, and lead teams through transitions - it is crucial for long-term leadership success.


Frameworks for Adaptability

While it may seem a little counter-intuitive, a solid framework can help you be more adaptable (just remember to be ready to let it go if needed to evolve).

Kotter’s 8-Step Change Model provides a structured approach for leaders to successfully drive and sustain change within their organizations:

  1. Create a Sense of Urgency: Communicate the need for change and inspire action by highlighting opportunities or threats.

  2. Build a Guiding Coalition: Assemble a team of influential and committed individuals to champion the change.

  3. Form a Strategic Vision and Initiatives: Develop a clear vision of what the change will achieve and the steps needed to get there.

  4. Enlist a Volunteer Army: Mobilize the broader organization by empowering people to take part in the change.

  5. Enable Action by Removing Barriers: Identify and eliminate obstacles that could undermine the change process.

  6. Generate Short-Term Wins: Create and celebrate small victories to build momentum and demonstrate progress.

  7. Sustain Acceleration: Keep pushing forward with the change, using each success to build on the next.

  8. Institute Change: Anchor new approaches into the culture, ensuring they stick by reinforcing them through policies, processes, and behaviors.

By following these steps, you can effectively guide your teams through the complexities of change, ensuring lasting transformation.


The VUCA framework helps leaders navigate the challenges of a rapidly changing world by providing a lens to understand and address different types of situations:

  1. Volatility: For rapidly changing conditions, leaders should create agility in their teams by fostering flexibility, quick decision-making, and readiness to adapt to sudden shifts.

  2. Uncertainty: When facing unknowns, leaders can improve clarity by gathering diverse perspectives, relying on data-driven insights, and enhancing communication to build confidence and guide action.

  3. Complexity: In situations with many interconnected variables, leaders should simplify and focus on key priorities, delegate effectively, and encourage collaboration to address multifaceted challenges.

  4. Ambiguity: To tackle unclear situations, leaders should encourage experimentation, embrace a learning mindset, and remain open to new ideas and interpretations to find the best path forward.

By understanding and applying the VUCA framework, you can better prepare your teams to thrive amidst unpredictability and complexity.


The ADKAR Model provides a step-by-step approach for leaders to guide successful change by focusing on individual transitions:

  1. Awareness: Communicate the need for change clearly, helping team members understand why it’s necessary and the risks of not changing.

  2. Desire: Foster motivation and a personal desire to support and participate in the change by addressing concerns and highlighting the benefits.

  3. Knowledge: Provide the information, training, and resources needed for team members to know how to change and what’s expected of them.

  4. Ability: Ensure people have the skills and tools to implement the change, offering support, coaching, and opportunities for practice.

  5. Reinforcement: Sustain the change by celebrating successes, providing ongoing feedback, and recognizing efforts to prevent reverting to old habits.

By using the ADKAR Model, you can create a clear roadmap to help individuals and teams successfully navigate change.


How to Improve the Skill of Adaptability

Adaptability can be improved through intentional focus and using everyday concepts and tools.

  • Embrace a growth mindset by viewing challenges as opportunities for learning and growth. Consider the possibility and the what if of different and new situations.

  • Practice reflecting regularly on experiences, success, and failures to identify gaps and areas for improvement.

  • Look for new experiences, be curious, and continuously learn from diverse situations. When we put ourselves in new situations, we get the chance to be back in “beginner’s mind”, which also improves our growth mindset. Don’t let past experiences be the only guide for these new experiences.

  • Develop your emotional intelligence by further understanding and managing your emotions, to remain calm and effective in changing environments. This also supports other-awareness, where we can understand and, to some degree, manage emotions in others.

  • Use empathy mapping to better understand the perspectives and emotions of others, which will help you adapt your approach in various situations.

  • Work on becoming comfortable making decisions without having all of the answers. You will gather all the data that you reasonably can and execute a decision. The data may change tomorrow anyway, but you made this decision and you can adapt and make another one later.


Reflection Questions for Leaders on Adaptability

  • How adaptable am I in the face of unexpected challenges?

  • What strategies do I use to stay flexible and open to change?

  • How can I better support my team in becoming more adaptable?


Adaptability is not a one-time skill but an ongoing practice that leaders must continue to develop. As a leader, assess your current level of adaptability and take proactive steps to enhance this crucial skill.

